As a pool owner, it’s important to properly open and close your pool each season to ensure it stays in good condition and lasts for years to come.
Pool Opening Services

When it comes to opening your pool, there are several steps to take to ensure it’s ready for use. The first step is to remove the pool cover and clean it thoroughly to prevent any debris from falling into the pool. Next, you’ll need to reassemble any pool equipment that was stored away for the winter, such as the pump, filter, and heater.
Once the equipment is reassembled, you’ll want to prime the pump and check for any leaks or damage. It’s also important to check the pool’s chemistry levels, including pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels. If the chemistry levels are off, you’ll need to add the necessary chemicals to balance them out.
After checking the pool’s chemistry levels, you’ll want to brush and vacuum the pool to remove any remaining debris. Finally, run the pump and filter for at least 24 hours to ensure the water is properly circulated and filtered before anyone swims in it.
Working with a pool expert to properly open your pool can ensure that you can enjoy a summer full of fun and relaxation!
Pool Closing Services

Closing your pool for the season is just as important as opening it. The first step is to remove any accessories such as ladders, diving boards, and skimmer baskets. Next, clean the pool thoroughly to remove any debris or contaminants. Lowering the water level is also recommended to prevent water from freezing and causing damage to the pool’s structure.
After the pool is cleaned and the water level is lowered, it’s important to balance the pool’s chemistry levels to prevent algae growth and other issues during the winter months. Once the chemistry levels are balanced, add a winterizing chemical to the water to prevent algae growth and protect the pool’s equipment.
Finally, cover the pool with a winter cover and secure it tightly to prevent any debris or animals from getting in. It’s also recommended to inspect the pool cover periodically during the winter to ensure it’s still secure and free from any damage. To have your pool closed properly work with the expert at Masten Pools. We will ensure that your pool is closed and safe for the winter season.
Reach Out To The Pool Opening And Closing Service Providers
Properly opening and closing your pool is crucial for maintaining its longevity and keeping it safe for swimmers. If you’re not familiar with the pool opening and closing process, or simply don’t have the time to do it yourself, it’s best to reach out to a pool opening and closing expert.
Masten Pools has a team of experienced professionals who can handle all aspects of pool opening and closing, from removing the cover to balancing the chemistry levels and winterizing the pool. We offer affordable and efficient pool opening and closing services in Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.
If you want to ensure your pool is properly opened and closed each season, reach out to Masten Pools today. Our team of experts will take care of everything, so you can relax and enjoy your pool without any worries.